window.addEventListener('load', function() { if('serviceWorker' in navigator){ // serviceworker.js 文件要放在网站发布的根目录 navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js').then(function (registration) { console.log('Service Worker Registered,register script: serviceworker.js.'); }).catch(function (error) { // registration failed console.log('Registration failed with ' + error); }); } }); // 控制台显示service worker缓存占用情况 if ("storage" in navigator && "estimate" in navigator.storage) { // 检查浏览器是否支持 Web Storage 估计功能 navigator.storage .estimate() .then((estimate) => { // 转换使用量和配额到 MB const usageMB = estimate.usage / 1024 / 1024; const quotaMB = estimate.quota / 1024 / 1024; // 计算使用比例 const proportion = (estimate.usage / estimate.quota) * 100; // 打印结果 console.log( `Using ${usageMB.toFixed(2)} out of ${quotaMB.toFixed( 2 )} MB. The proportion is ${proportion.toFixed(2)}%` ); }) .catch((error) => { // 处理可能的错误 console.error("Error estimating storage:", error); }); } else { // 如果不支持,可以在这里打印一条消息 console.log("Browser does not support storage estimation."); }
//serviceworker.js 'use strict'; const version = 'v20180608'; //缓存版本号,修改之后缓存会刷新 const __DEVELOPMENT__ = false; //开发模式 const __DEBUG__ = false; //调试模式 const offlineResources = [ //离线断网的时候提供友好界面 '/', '/offline.html', '/offline.svg' ]; const ignoreFetch = [ //这里是需要忽略不缓存的的第三方的域名 /chrome-extension:\/\//, // 建议加上忽略chrome插件的协议 /https?:\/\/ae.bdstatic.com\//, /https?:\/\/msite.baidu.com\//, /https?:\/\/s.bdstatic.com\//, /https?:\/\/timg01.bdimg.com\//, /https?:\/\/zz.bdstatic.com\//, /https?:\/\/jspassport.ssl.qhimg.com\//, /https?:\/\/hm.baidu.com\//, /https?:\/\/sp0.baidu.com\//, /https?:\/\/s.360.cn\//, /https?:\/\/s.ssl.qhres.com\//, /https?:\/\/www.google-analytics.com\//, /https?:\/\/www.googletagmanager.com\//, /.php$/ ]; ////////// // Install ////////// function onInstall(event) { log('install event in progress.'); event.waitUntil(updateStaticCache()); } function updateStaticCache() { return caches .open(cacheKey('offline')) .then((cache) => { return cache.addAll(offlineResources); }) .then(() => { log('installation complete!'); }); } //////// // Fetch //////// function onFetch(event) { const request = event.request; if (shouldAlwaysFetch(request)) { event.respondWith(networkedOrOffline(request)); return; } if (shouldFetchAndCache(request)) { event.respondWith(networkedOrCached(request)); return; } event.respondWith(cachedOrNetworked(request)); } function networkedOrCached(request) { return networkedAndCache(request) .catch(() => { return cachedOrOffline(request) }); } // Stash response in cache as side-effect of network request function networkedAndCache(request) { return fetch(request) .then((response) => { var copy = response.clone(); caches.open(cacheKey('resources')) .then((cache) => { cache.put(request, copy); }); log("(network: cache write)", request.method, request.url); return response; }); } function cachedOrNetworked(request) { return caches.match(request) .then((response) => { log(response ? '(cached)' : '(network: cache miss)', request.method, request.url); return response || networkedAndCache(request) .catch(() => { return offlineResponse(request) }); }); } function networkedOrOffline(request) { return fetch(request) .then((response) => { log('(network)', request.method, request.url); return response; }) .catch(() => { return offlineResponse(request); }); } function cachedOrOffline(request) { return caches .match(request) .then((response) => { return response || offlineResponse(request); }); } function offlineResponse(request) { log('(offline)', request.method, request.url); if (request.url.match(/.(jpg|png|gif|svg|jpeg)(?.*)?$/)) { return caches.match('/offline.svg'); } else { return caches.match('/offline.html'); } } /////////// // Activate /////////// function onActivate(event) { log('activate event in progress.'); event.waitUntil(removeOldCache()); } function removeOldCache() { return caches .keys() .then((keys) => { return Promise.all( // We return a promise that settles when all outdated caches are deleted. keys .filter((key) => { return !key.startsWith(version); // Filter by keys that don't start with the latest version prefix. }) .map((key) => { return caches.delete(key); // Return a promise that's fulfilled when each outdated cache is deleted. }) ); }) .then(() => { log('removeOldCache completed.'); }); } function cacheKey() { return [version, ...arguments].join(':'); } function log() { if (developmentMode()) { console.log("SW:", ...arguments); } } function shouldAlwaysFetch(request) { return __DEVELOPMENT__ || request.method !== 'GET' || ignoreFetch.some(regex => request.url.match(regex)); } function shouldFetchAndCache(request) { return ~request.headers.get('Accept').indexOf('text/html'); } function developmentMode() { return __DEVELOPMENT__ || __DEBUG__; } log("Hello from ServiceWorker land!", version); self.addEventListener('install', onInstall); self.addEventListener('fetch', onFetch); self.addEventListener("activate", onActivate);
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